Sung Mass
Music: TBA Preacher: TBA Our 10:30 service is a Sung Mass or Solemn High Mass with music: organ, choir, and congregational singing. We use Rite I from the 1979 Book […]
Music: TBA Preacher: TBA Our 10:30 service is a Sung Mass or Solemn High Mass with music: organ, choir, and congregational singing. We use Rite I from the 1979 Book […]
Tea, coffee, sandwiches, and sweets provided April 4: Lenten Bible Study ~ Cultivating Patience Led by Sr. Gregory Simmons, Haven Religious
Year C / IPurplePsalm 126Isaiah 43:16-21Philippians 3:4b-14John 12:1-8
Music: TBA Preacher: TBA Our 10:30 service is a Sung Mass or Solemn High Mass with music: organ, choir, and congregational singing. We use Rite I from the 1979 Book […]
Tea, coffee, sandwiches, and sweets provided April 11: Lenten Bible Study ~ Walking the Way of Love Led by The Rev. Rowena J. Kemp, Rector