The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Year C / IEpiphanyWhitePsalm 72:1-7,10-14Isaiah 60:1-6Ephesians 3:1-12Matthew 2:1-12Psalm 72 or Psalm 72:1-2,10-17Isaiah 60:1-6,9Ephesians 3:1-12Matthew 2:1-12
Year C / IEpiphanyWhitePsalm 72:1-7,10-14Isaiah 60:1-6Ephesians 3:1-12Matthew 2:1-12Psalm 72 or Psalm 72:1-2,10-17Isaiah 60:1-6,9Ephesians 3:1-12Matthew 2:1-12
Join us For the Feast of Epiphany ~ Solemn High Mass with Choirand Procession of the Three Kings Followed by celebration with gifts for the children! Music: Preacher: The Rev. […]
Year C / IEpiphanyGreen
Year C / IWhitePsalm 29Isaiah 43:1-7Acts 8:14-17Luke 3:15-17,21-22
Music: Preacher: Sr. Gregory Simmons, Haven Religious Our 10:30 service is a Sung Mass or Solemn High Mass with music: organ, choir, and congregational singing. We use Rite I from […]
Year C / IEpiphanyWhitePsalm 23Acts 4:8-131 Peter 5:1-4Matthew 16:13-19
Year C / IGreenPsalm 36:5-10Isaiah 62:1-51 Corinthians 12:1-11John 2:1-11
Music: Preacher: Mr. Aldon Hynes Our 10:30 service is a Sung Mass or Solemn High Mass with music: organ, choir, and congregational singing. We use Rite I from the 1979 […]