Event Series Low Mass

Low Mass

Preacher: TBA Our 8AM service is a Low Mass. We use Rite I from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, with additions from the historical tradition—all of it is outlined in the Bulletin. We leave room for silence and contemplation, and there is no music at this service. A refreshing start to a Sunday. For […]

High Tea and Lenten discussions ~ Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind from Living Compass

Grace Episcopal Church 55 New Park Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut, United States

Tea, coffee, sandwiches, and sweets provided April 11:  Lenten Bible Study ~ Walking the Way of Love Led by The Rev. Rowena J. Kemp, Rector

Event Series Low Mass

Low Mass

Preacher: TBA Our 8AM service is a Low Mass. We use Rite I from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, with additions from the historical tradition—all of it is outlined in the Bulletin. We leave room for silence and contemplation, and there is no music at this service. A refreshing start to a Sunday. For […]