We celebrate the real presence of Christ in the sacrament of the altar, in the hearts of God’s people, and in the whole of creation. We strive to greet each person we encounter as if we were meeting Christ.
Our worship is centered on the Eucharist. Each Sunday we celebrate both a low mass at 8:00 a.m. and a solemn high, or sung, mass at 10:30 a.m. Both Sunday masses use Rite I, or the version of the Eucharist that has been the most lightly revised over the years since the first Book of Common Prayer. Our readings come from the Revised Common Lectionary.
Grace is noted for its very fine music in the Anglican tradition, which is an important element of every 10:30 Sunday mass. We sing hymns, largely drawn from The Hymnal 1982, and also have music from a variety of other sources. We are blessed with a gifted volunteer choir of men and women, and our music director, Kyle Swann, is well known throughout Connecticut as a pianist, organist, operatic director and accompanist.

Our worship is conducted in traditional Anglo-Catholic fashion. This means, among other things, that incense is used at every sung or high mass, symbolizing our prayers rising to God; sanctus bells are rung to indicate that something important is happening at the altar; and the priest and the congregation face the same direction during the celebration of the mass. These practices are unfamiliar to some Episcopalians. But they are not meant to be exclusionary or alienating; rather, they harken back to ancient church practice and are meant to point to the great mystery of God, transcending our everyday lives in this world.
In addition to Sunday worship, we have weekday low masses, solemn high masses on feast days (with festive potluck dinners following!), a monthly chanted Evensong, and special devotions during Lent with Stations of the Cross and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday evening. We are looking to re-expand our liturgical offerings.
We are also committed to bringing the sacrament to hospitals and nursing homes, including a monthly mass at Park Place Health Center, and regularly offer the laying on of hands for healing.
Finally, we foster the prayer life of each of our parishioners, through prayer groups, educational experiences, retreats, and quiet days. We yearn to deepen continually our understanding that we may meet Christ in the face of each person we encounter.
Altar Party
Acolytes enrich the worship experience for others as they draw closer to the presence of God. Many clergy get their first start in service to the church by serving in the altar party.
Grace trains interested people to be lectors, liturgical deacons, subdeacons, crucifers, thurifers, and other roles in the Anglo-Catholic tradition.

Flower Guild
People with a love of nature and an artistic gift are invited to glorify God and enrich our worship by joining the flower guild to arrange flowers for Sunday worship and other special events.

Altar Guild—Sacristan
Caring for the sacred vessels, linens, and other materials used used during worship is a meaningful way of serving the community and drawing closer to God. For those who thrive on behind the scenes work, caring for the Sacristy supports the work of liturgy.
Christmas 2022