Acolyte Training
Come one, come all who have ever wanted to serve at the altar! We’ll be learning and reviewing liturgical roles.
Come one, come all who have ever wanted to serve at the altar! We’ll be learning and reviewing liturgical roles.
Year C / IPurple or BluePsalm 25:1-9Jeremiah 33:14-161 Thessalonians 3:9-13Luke 21:25-36
Preacher: The Rev. Rowena J. Kemp, Rector Our 8AM service is a Low Mass. We use Rite I from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, with additions from the historical tradition—all of it is outlined in the Bulletin. We leave room for silence and contemplation, and there is no music at this service. A refreshing […]
Music: Preacher: The Rev. Rowena J. Kemp, Rector Our 10:30 service is a Sung Mass or Solemn High Mass with music: organ, choir, and congregational singing. We use Rite I from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, with additions from the historical tradition—all of it is outlined in the bulletin. For more information about Sung […]
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a traditional practice of spending time with Christ, embodied in the Eucharist, in silence and contemplation. The time will open and close with simple prayers, and a booklet of suggested personal devotions will be provided. Please feel free to enter or leave quietly at any time during the hour, and stay as […]
Join us for an Advent study of writings from women mystics and passages from Scripture, concluding with an Advent by Candlelight meal on December 13th.
Year C / IPurple or BlueCanticle 4 or Canticle 16Baruch 5:1-9 or Malachi 3:1-4Philippians 1:3-11Luke 3:1-6
Preacher: Ms. Gregory Simmons, Haven Religious Community Our 8AM service is a Low Mass. We use Rite I from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, with additions from the historical tradition—all of it is outlined in the Bulletin. We leave room for silence and contemplation, and there is no music at this service. A refreshing […]
Music: Preacher: Sr. Gregory Simmons, Haven Religious Our 10:30 service is a Sung Mass or Solemn High Mass with music: organ, choir, and congregational singing. We use Rite I from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, with additions from the historical tradition—all of it is outlined in the bulletin. For more information about Sung Mass, […]
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a traditional practice of spending time with Christ, embodied in the Eucharist, in silence and contemplation. The time will open and close with simple prayers, and a booklet of suggested personal devotions will be provided. Please feel free to enter or leave quietly at any time during the hour, and stay as […]