January 6
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Join us For the Feast of Epiphany ~ Solemn High Mass with Choir
and Procession of the Three Kings
Followed by celebration with gifts for the children!
- Mass Setting: Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena ~ Healey Willan (d. 1968)
- Organ Voluntary: Hymn Prelude on Stuttgart (“Eastern sages at his cradle”) ~ Charles Winfred Douglas (d. 1944)
- Hymn ~ “Lo! the pilgrim Magi ” ~ Whitworth
- Hymn 128 ~ “We three kings” ~ Three Kings of Orient
- Hymn 117 ~ “Brightest and best of the stars of the morning” ~ Morning Star
- Anthem, from L’Enfance du Christ (choir) ~ Hector Berlioz (d. 1869); English text by Paul England
- Hymn 127 ~ “Earth has many a noble city” ~ Stuttgart
- Organ Voluntary: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern ~ Johann Sebastian Bach (d. 1750)
Preacher: The Rev. Deacon Marta S. Rivera Monclova, PhD, Deacon