December 8, 2024
10:30 am
12:00 pm
- Mass Setting: Missa Advenio ~ Plainsong, 10th c.
- Voluntary: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland ~ Johann Sebastian Bach (d. 1750)
- Hymn 76 ~ “On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry” ~ Winchester New
- Anthem (choir): “O thou, the central orb” ~ Charles Wood (d. 1926)
- Alma Redemptóris Mater (choir) ~ Mode V
- Hymn 65 ~ “Prepare the way, O Zion” ~ Bereden väg för Herran
- Voluntary: Prelude in G minor ~ Gabriel Pierné (d. 1937)
Preacher: Sr. Gregory Simmons, Haven Religious
Our 10:30 service is a Sung Mass or Solemn High Mass with music: organ, choir, and congregational singing. We use Rite I from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, with additions from the historical tradition—all of it is outlined in the bulletin.
For more information about Sung Mass, click here: Services
This service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page.